Mystery Shopping: How To Get Started
The Essential Skills For Mystery Shoppers
As one of the most important indicators of a company's performance, poor customer service costs US companies over $100 billion a year.
According to a recent Accenture report, 52% of US consumers are serial switchers.
The good news is that mystery shopping is an objective method to measure poor customer service.
By assigning shoppers to roles in a company's customer service department, mystery shoppers can identify instances of poor service and learn about their employees' experiences.
How To Get Started As A Mystery Shopper
If you're considering getting into mystery shopping, you may be wondering how to get started; I have a 5-step guide to help you get started immediately. First, you'll need to create a company list.
This is a file or form where you can keep track of the companies you've applied to.
Then, you'll need to write a report detailing your findings. Once you've finished your report, send it to the mystery shopping agency.
You'll need to leave enough time to write it. If you're not sure about your time commitment, just think about all of the great perks that you'll get in return.
Next, start getting organized. It's important to keep track of assignments, and this will make you feel more in control of your job.
Keep a notebook or a PDA handy to record all of your findings. Some mystery shoppers use spreadsheets, so keep that in mind as well.
Many apps make organizing assignments easier. OneNote and Google Docs are a few good examples. You can also use a zip code list to apply for a job.
Skills Needed To Be A Successful Mystery Shopper
While there are many different types of mystery shoppers, there are several important skills that all successful ones should possess.
In particular, mystery shoppers should have good communication skills.
They must be able to communicate with employees, and others, as well as being able to clearly state their opinions and ideas.
Other skills necessary for mystery shopping include being active, friendly, and punctual.
Listed below are the essential skills for mystery shoppers.
If you want to join this fun and fulfilling job, read on!
Active listening and close attention to detail are essential to mystery shopping, as they must be able to report small details to clients.
Active listening is another essential skill, as mystery shoppers must maintain eye contact with the speaker to understand what he or she is trying to communicate.
They must also ask questions to glean additional information about the products and services that they encounter. In addition, a good memory is crucial, as this is required to accurately report findings.
How Much Are You Paid As a Mystery Shopper?
You may be interested in earning some extra money from mystery shopping.
Several mystery shopping companies offer pay-per-visit mystery shops in the $30 to $180 range. Some companies also reimburse expenses up to $2000.
While these numbers are big, not all companies offer the same compensation or reimbursements. It all adds up quickly and can make it a viable side income. Here are some tips to make the most of your mystery shopping job.
Read on to learn more about the pay-for-mystery shopping industry.
The hardest part about mystery shopping is the first assignment.
Normally, you must pay out of pocket and wait 24 hours up to 45 days before you get paid.
But once you get started, you will find it worth the wait!
You will get to know the company better and earn more money.
But keep in mind that the first few assignments will be low-paying.
So start small and work your way up!
If you made it this far, check out my YouTube channel dedicated to mystery shopping!
Happy Shopping!