Making A Plan And Learning From Others

It is day 3, and I have made significant strides in getting attention to my brand and also to my products.  This morning, I decided to post 1 new video with 1 new digital download product or TikTok, and I received over 300 views, over 20 likes, and 1 comment.  

To my understanding, if I receive more people watching it for longer and also engaging, it will boost my post organically; I will eventually get the right person to see my video and act to go to my website and also purchase potentially the digital download.

The videos that I create on this platform will be utilized on other platforms as well, so I can reuse the same content without making anything new.  I understand that my product selection is very sparse, and I do not target people who are looking for that specific type of educational material for their child.  This is only for this particular platform. 

Now, when I go on Pinterest, YouTube, Teachers Pay Teachers, Etsy, and any other platform that allows me to upload my digital products to be sold, I will have to learn that particular audience and other things as well.  Now, don't get me wrong, the whole point of having your own website is to get people to buy from you directly, but we're not there yet, and I know I need to utilize other platforms to get attention and build trust so people can buy from me.

Utilizing YouTube for videos and Pinterest for pens will allow me to gain more trust and get more exposure for people to want to buy from me, as I am going to be creating a lot more products in the next couple of weeks.  I have already convinced people to buy a book that I have created on YouTube just by making videos and having that trust be there because my content designates it all, so it educates and provides them with solutions to a problem that they are facing.  When you have all those combined and that 1 person finds it, they are more likely to act.

I felt a bit discouraged because I was not seeing much traction on my other TikTok channel when I posted a video about my product. Still, I understand this can happen, and as long as I stay consistent and make new videos about my products and different types of formats, something will stick, and it will allow others to see it to get me more attention and potential sales.

It is now Friday. I don't do much over the weekend, but Sunday is my prep day, and some Mondays, I do have plans to really work on my YouTube channel and post more on Pinterest.  My main strategy for YouTube is to utilize YouTube shorts.  

I have seen this work where people will come up with really short videos that I mask them followers and then switch their content to long-form, which will now allow them to earn more money because they have already passed the watch hours and subscriber requirements.  I have already done the long-form content 100% with wanting to get monetized, and it worked, but it took much longer.  

I'm now going to try something different and see how that works as I have seen others do this and succeed much quickly time and time again.  This will also play into me reusing content from TikTok and everywhere else by having everything in a horizontal recording that can be posted everywhere.  

I understand tick tock also allows horizontal so I will be utilizing that as well on my TikTok channel but that's not the case for Pinterest so that's why I rather have everything be in horizontal mode versus some vertical some horizontal cuz that's doing more work that has needed to be done. 

I was invited to a Pinterest event a couple months ago and I understand that the platform really loves video pins.  I will be using the videos from the other platforms on here as well and utilizing standard pins.  I have done research over the past couple of months and found accounts that I definitely want to watch to learn from and also utilize some of their strategies and regards to the content they post because they are getting 12 to 10 million monthly views.  

I've learned a lot from Pinterest from going to that previous event also going to any free type of educational resource so that I can finally pull from all of that to help build this brand and also my other Pinterest accounts as well.  

This will be a lot of work but time is always on your side for Pinterest youtube and even tiktok. What I mean is that when you post a video today it will still be able to be searched and pop up and peoples results page years from now.  

That's why it's so important when you first post something to use the right keywords because those keywords will forever be used so your video can live on.  I understand this is how most of these accounts that have millions and millions of monthly views have already established with their content based upon starting with nice lighting great keywords and great content over all so people will continuously want to come back. 

Well that's enough brain dump for today!

It's the weekend going to try to not do any type of work and on sunday start back up so that I can have a productive week and I will continue my blogs on Monday!


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