Insert Etsy Into The Mix - Brand Exposure & Sales
On March 21st, 2024, I created my first Etsy listing for a math activity mat that I use and also am selling on TikTok shop. I've been focused on creating useful digital products for my business, and I need to put my products in places where people are looking to shop for what I am offering.
The TikTok shop is cool, but I once again found myself getting so focused only on the TikTok shop and ignoring other places that can help me make some sales and get more exposure.
I also realize I need to create more quick products that are easy to turn around versus ones that take me days to finish because this is how I can start getting more attention and some sales trickling in while I'm working on these more extensive types of digital products.
Would I have realized is we as humans tend to make things harder for ourselves and not take advantage of what we have available to get exposure for our businesses that cost $0.
I 100% did not want to make an Etsy account because they charge so many fees. I realized that many people who were buying at TikTok shops would ask sellers if they sell on Etsy, and teachers pay teachers. If I had my products available on those platforms, I could get some sales, build trust, and have them eventually buy directly from my website. The benefit of being a business is that you can write off some of these fees once you go through at the end of the year, so I'm not too worried about that, but I don't want to pay it.
Since I already created my Etsy account, I'm going to look into Teachers Pay Teachers. These two platforms are heavily used and can get you a lot of exposure from customers. Being a content creator has helped me understand the shift and how I need to move in order to get my product seen and potential sales because I've been doing it for other brands for over 3 years now.
As of right now, the current plan is as follows.
1. Research and create a teachers pay teachers account.
2. Update my website to feature my products and make blog posts that can be linked from Pinterest.
3. Create videos for my YouTube channel about my products as well to gain followers and attention.
4. While TikTok is still available, make more videos with products I already have and talk about my website. Utilize the photo and horizontal feature that tick tock is pushing for everybody to use.
5. Do more research for digital products that are in demand, and that I can utilize for my kids. M<makes better content when in use in real life.
Now it's a waiting game!