How Blogging Can Change Your Life

Photo Credit : LaylaBird From Gettyimages

I told myself a few weeks ago, but I am going to focus on building up my blog. Now, I have a total of three blogs, all being powered by bloggers, and I am spacing things out pretty well, I think, to ensure each of them is getting attention so that I can grow my traffic.  I never understood the significance of how our blog can change your life in terms of a consistent, stable income with minimum work every single week.

When I focus on something, I definitely like to do my research.  So I go to my typical sources, which are YouTube, Reddit, Quora, and random articles I get from Google searches.  I personally like to gather as much information as possible, filter through it to see what I find valuable and what is just repeated information, and apply it how I see fit.

Blogging has never been something people talked about as a means of stable, consistent income, but now that I have done enough research, this is something we all should strive to build so that we can live a much more fruitful life.

How can bloggers change our lives?

For the past few years, I have maintained my three blogs with minimum upkeep and minimum blog posts to still receive over $1,000 in royalty income from Google ads. You may be asking yourself how was that possible and how can I do that as well. Well, lucky for you and I want to tell you!

The first thing I did was I created blogs for each of my youtube channels so that I can get traffic to my videos.  These are based on niches that I love, and because I am a person who cannot stick to one thing, I made multiple channels so that I can fulfill my own self-gratification and divulge into each of these areas whenever I see fit.

Once I created a few videos on my YouTube channel, I then went to blogger and created new blogs for each of my channels so that I can share my videos on my website so that people who don't find me on YouTube can find me hopefully on Google.  Now, Google is its own beast, and I am still learning, but I got the gist of how to get Google to show your article based on traffic.

Well, you may be asking how I get the traffic. And one simple word: Pinterest!

Many people that I have run across and videos and blogs all talk about Pinterest, but they don't really dive deep into how you can get Pinterest to bring traffic to your blog unless you go through signing up through something or paying something, and I just wasn't going to do that.  Most, if not everything, someone has learned is available online. You just have to dig for it.

The one thing I was shocked about was even though I did not do well with my blog they were not seo or formatted correctly I still receive traffic every single month to the tune of over 10,000 visitors.  I was completely shocked because I knew my blogs were terrible, but I still have people coming to my blog every single month. How did I do that?

I realized I was creating pins on my Pinterest account to bring in traffic to my website based on interests and topics people loved. For example, I like to talk about Dollar Tree because Dollar Tree has saved me countless times when I was a single mom and dirt poor.  I've raved about Dollar Tree for over 18 years, and I see that many people are taking a big interest in this retailer and how it can benefit them, especially in the current economy.

Did I capitalize on this knowledge at the time? No, and that's a big regret!

Your guess is as good as mine as to why I decided to not capitalize on this knowledge years ago.

But we will not let this knowledge go to waste, and we will start to implement the plan of building up more traffic based upon what I love and what many people love, and that is Dollar Tree.

So, what would be the perfect step-by-step process to start getting traffic and building up your visitors?

First, you want to set up and establish your blog.  This will include finding a platform to build your blog on, and this is also very important for two reasons.  If you want to earn money from ads on your blog, you need to make sure whoever you choose to run your blog on plays well with these companies so you can build your income.  Secondly, choosing where you run your blog will have a significant effect on the first reason because not every platform that hosts blogs works well with these companies, and you may not be able to run ads on your blog solely based on what company you choose to use.  I use Blogger because it's easier for me, but there are other ones like WordPress, Wix, and so forth.

Second, you want to create a Pinterest account to help you get traffic. Now, just creating an account is the first step; however, you need to do research on trends on to find the most salt-after keywords and make a board based upon those keywords to help with Pinterest SEO so people can find your pins that will link to your articles.  

Third, you need to create blogs to put on your website so that you can start linking them with your Pinterest account to get traffic.  Many people are always stomped at this part because they just don't know what to talk about.  My advice is to stop thinking about what you don't know and just talk about what you do know.  If you made a blog about cooking, talk about recipes and things you like and tips and tricks on making something better.  A blog post, so it all sinks together.  You can even write a blog post about random things; you just need to get things on your blog initially so that you can start to build traffic and figure out what your overall theme will be for your blog.  Doing nothing hurts you a lot more than having random blogs all posted for the world to see.

Fourth, once you have, I'd say, over 25 blogs, you want to search for Google Adsense and see about connecting your blog with their service so you can start making money on your website.  Google AdSense is what I currently use, but I am about to expand to more places like Google so I can increase my income.  This is how people make money on their blogs. Ads or money, and if you have a decent amount of traffic with these ads strategically placed around your blog, you can easily cross $1,000 per month.  Once I hit that go, I'm happy.  Any more income I generate will just be icing on the cake.

And that's pretty much it.

Now, of course, there are a lot more fine details in each of the things I mentioned in this article, and I will definitely speak more on that because that is how you succeed or fail as a blogger.

There's nothing standing in your way right now to complete all of the four steps I mentioned in this article so you can start your journey.  Continually gathering information without action does nothing to help you achieve your ultimate goal. 


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