How to Remove Inflated Products in Amazon Vine Program due to Price Changes

Dropping Products That Have a Price Change For Amazon Vine

Being a part of the Amazon Vine Program has its perks, such as receiving free products in exchange for honest reviews. However, as a product reviewer, you may have encountered a frustrating situation where the price of an item you ordered through Vine significantly dropped after you had already received it. The result? A higher ETV (Estimated Total Value) affects your review limits and, ultimately, your earnings.


If you've ever experienced this, you are not alone. Many Vine reviewers have complained about inflated products due to price changes, and it's time to do something about it. In this article, I will share my experience seeking help from Vine support and how I was able to remove an inflated product from my review list.

Understanding the Issue: Inflated Products Due to Price Changes Amazon Vine

Before I dive into the solution, let's first understand the issue at hand. As a part of the Vine Program, sellers have the freedom to increase the list price of items they list on Amazon. This means that the ETV (Estimated Total Value) shown on your reviews may not necessarily reflect the actual price of the item on Amazon.

This can be frustrating for Vine reviewers because not only does it affect their ETV and review limits, but it also means that they may end up paying more taxes for the product they received at a higher ETV. To make matters worse, some sellers even change the ETV of their products within a few days or weeks after receiving reviews from Vine reviewers.

Seeking Help from Vine Support

After experiencing this issue with an inflated product, I decided to seek help from Vine support. I emailed them with my concern and explained how I was affected by the change in ETV for a product Ihad ordered through Vine.

To my surprise, I received a helpful response from Vine support who understood my frustration. They acknowledged that the ETV of the product had changed after I had placed my order and assured us that they would help make things right for us.

Removing Inflated Products Due to ETV Changes

After exchanging a few emails with Vine support, I was able to get my inflated product removed from my review list. It may take 24 to 48 hours for the change to reflect, but it's worth the wait as it will not count towards your Vine orders or review limits.

This solution proves that Vine support is aware of the issue and is willing to assist Vine reviewers by removing products with inflated ETVs. However, this doesn't solve the root problem, which is the fact that sellers can freely change the ETV of their products, causing frustration and inconvenience for Vine reviewers.

Recommendations for Improving the Amazon Vine Program

Based on my experience and research, here are some recommendations for improving the Amazon Vine Program and preventing inflated products due to price changes:

1. Set a Fixed ETV 

Rather than allowing sellers to set their own ETV for products listed on Amazon Vine, there should be a fixed ETV set by Amazon. This will ensure that Vine reviewers are receiving products at a fair price and not an inflated one.

2. Monitor ETV Changes: 

Amazon should monitor ETV changes made by sellers and address any significant changes that occur within a short period of time. This will prevent sellers from taking advantage of the program and inflating their product prices after receiving reviews from Vine reviewers.

3. Refunds for Price Changes: 

As regular customers can receive refunds for price changes on items purchased within 30 days, the same should apply to Amazon Vine reviewers. If a product's price drops significantly within 30 days of purchase, Vine reviewers should be eligible for ETV price adjustment of the price difference.

4. Better Communication: 

Amazon should provide better communication and transparency regarding ETVs and changes made by sellers. This will help Vine reviewers make informed decisions before ordering products and avoid frustration when the ETV changes significantly.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, as a part of the Amazon Vine Program, it's important to be aware of these issues and speak up about them. By banding together and sharing our experiences and solutions, we can help improve the program for all Vine reviewers.

If you encounter an inflated product due to price changes, don't hesitate to reach out to Vine support for assistance in removing it from your review list. Remember to also stay active in the community tab on YouTube, where helpful information and updates are often shared.

I hope this article has shed some light on the issue of inflated products in the Amazon Vine Program and provided solutions for addressing it. Let's continue to share our knowledge and help each other navigate through the program with ease.


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