Side Hustle Ideas at Home | Money Struggle Success


Side Hustle Ideas at Home

If you love creating things, you can make money by selling them on sites like Etsy. 

Other side hustle ideas that can be done from home include writing e-books (especially for bloggers with existing communities). 

Organizing online workshops is another way to make money. You can also become a celebrity impersonator.

Becoming A Mystery Shopping

I have been using this side hustle for over 12 years, and I have no plans of stopping.  

I found this side hustle to be very helpful when I didn't have enough money to buy food, gas, or even get an oil change.  

There is no charge to be a mystery shopper because it's a 1099 type of gig.  

First, you'll need to learn how about mystery shopping and getting set up to make the most money.  

All that's left to do is find jobs available in your state or where ever you plan to be within the USA/ Canada or Europe and apply or self-assign to complete that job.  

I've been able to eat at restaurants I had never heard of and take my kids on FREE family vacations.  It's truly a life-changing side hustle!

Work as a virtual assistant

If you'd like to make money from home, you may want to consider working as a virtual assistant. 

This type of work requires a strong online presence and does not require a college degree. 

You will need to have a computer with a high-speed internet connection and a headset for phone calls. It is also helpful if you have experience using graphic design software.

First, you'll need to find clients. The best way to do this is by searching job boards and websites. Sites like Fiverr and Indeed are a great places to start. 

You can search for jobs by location and keyword. You may also want to check out local business listings, as they may need help with a certain task.

Become a life coach

Many life coaches are aware of the benefits of running a home business. Some of them choose to rent out an extra room or part of their basement to make their own home office. 

The best way to make passive income from home is by using affiliate marketing. 

This means promoting a product or service on your website and referring visitors to a special link to purchase it.

Marketing is an essential part of establishing a life coaching business. You can use social media, a website, and a professional email account to market your services. 

To get more visibility, you can even offer free 30-minute coaching sessions on social media.

Become a celebrity impersonator

This side hustle idea is easy to start and can generate great income. 

The amount you can earn is dependent on the types of shows you work on and the agency you register with. If you enjoy performing, you can build an Instagram account that promotes your talents and attracts a large following. 

You can also monetize your account through sponsored posts and Instagram takeovers.

There are numerous ways you can sell your celebrity impersonation services. 

One way to make money doing this is to sell coffee mugs or other merchandise. These can be sold on Fiverr. You can also sell your services as a life coach, using your real-life experiences to help others.

Become a transcriptionist

Transcriptionists typically work from home. To be successful, a transcriptionist must have excellent listening skills and the ability to concentrate for long periods of time. 

Also, they must be fast and accurate at typing. While typing 65 words per minute is acceptable for a beginning transcriptionist, you should aim for at least 75 words per minute.

As a transcriptionist, you must have a good command of English and excellent proofreading skills. 

You also need to be very patient and meticulous when working. 

Depending on the company, you may be required to take a typing test or listen to a recording to determine your typing speed.

There are so many things you can do as a side hustle, but it really boils down to choosing something that you truly like to do.  

I've found that doing a job I have no interest in made me depressed, so now I only do things that bring me joy and happiness.  

It is possible to make a living doing something that you truly like. I know. I never thought this was possible.

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