How To Start A Budget For Beginners

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How to Start a Budget

Starting a budget is one of the most crucial steps in achieving financial stability. 

You should know that a budget is not a set piece of paper, so you should be flexible enough to make changes as necessary. 

If you have set a goal that may change over time, it is helpful to create a "what-if" budget that allows you to imagine what your life would be like if you made a big change. 

The budget should also be flexible enough to change as your goals and circumstances change.                                                              

When determining how to start a budget, it is crucial to first decide why you are starting one. If you want to save for a long-term goal, you should make a list of expenses that you and your family need to meet each month. 

You should divide the expenses according to their due dates. 

For example, you may want to put money aside for an emergency fund, while others might need to be cut from your budget.

Once you have established your minimum monthly income, you need to divide it up into two categories. One column should be for mandatory expenses, and the other should be for expenses that you will incur every month. 

For example, if you will be paying a car payment every month, it is necessary to include the number of pay days in your income spreadsheet. 

Another column should be for irregular expenses, such as shopping for clothes or a new car. 

Be sure to make estimates for these expenses as you track your budget.

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